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1) Epidemiology

           a. Asthma

           b. Allergy

           c. COPD

2) Basic Sciences

           a. Basics of Allergy

           b. Upper Airway Anatomy & Physiology

           c. Lower Airway Anatomy & Physiology

           d. Respiratory physiology

           e. United airway disease hypothesis

           f. Aerosols and aerosol delivery systems (demonstration)

           g. Pharmacotherapy of rhinitis, conjunctivitis and asthma

           h. Review of common drugs prescribed by the allergist

3) Biostatistics

           a. Introduction to biostatistics

           b. Understanding clinical trial designs

           c. How to read a research paper

           d. Effective journal club presentation

4) Immunology

          a. Basics of immunology I (innate immunity)

          b. Basics of immunology II (adaptive immunity)

          c. Immediate and delayed hypersensitivity reactions

          d. Primary immunodeficiencies – Part 1

          e. Primary immunodeficiencies – Part 2

          f. Vaccine immunology and adverse events

5) Clinical Application

         a. Doctor-Patient relationship

         b. Approach to an allergic patient: History & PE

         c. Practical approach to patients with frequent infections

         d. Interpreting spirometry according to ERS/ATS criteria

         e. Spirometry interpretation exercises

         f. Clinical interpretation of SPT

         g. Prescription writing case scenarios

         h. Integrated Approach to Allergy/Asthma

6) Investigations and practical sessions

         a. In-vitro laboratory tests for the diagnosis of allergy

         b. Allergy skin testing (theory)

         c. Skin testing demonstration (practical)

         d. Spirometry (theory)

         e. Spirometry (practical)

         f. Upper and lower airway radiology for the allergist

         g. Rhinoscopy Workshop

         h. Role of FENO measurement in asthma

         i. FeNO demonstration

         j. Inhaler demonstration workshop

         k. Bronchoprovocation Test Practical

         l. Impulse Oscillometry

        m. Impulse Oscillometry demonstration

        n. Life support workshop

7) Allergen Immunotherapy

        a. Allergen immunotherapy (theory)

        b. Evidence for AIT in asthma

        c. Allergen immunotherapy prescription writing

        d. Practical Demonstration

8) Ear, Nose and Throat

        a. Allergic and nonallergic rhinitis

        b. Chronic sinusitis/nasal polyps

        c. Eustachian tube dysfunction, acute and chronic otitis

9) Asthma

        a. Introduction to asthma

        b. Asthma pathogenesis

        c. Asthma management according to GINA guidelines

        d. SMART therapy for asthma

        e. Evaluation and treatment of acute asthma

        f. Asthma prescription writing

        g. Asthma-COPD overlap (ACO)

        h. Mimics of Asthma and COPD

        i. Mimickers of asthma: ILD

        j. Mimickers of asthma: TB

        k. Mimickers of asthma: OSA

        l. Mimicker of asthma: ABPA and HSP

       m. Monitoring asthma control

       n. Biologic therapies for severe asthma

       o. Are there different phenotypes of asthma & COPD?

       p. Asthma: Special situations (Pregnancy, elderly, post Op)/ EIB/ natural asthma

       q. Advances in asthma management

10) Pediatric Asthma

       a. Pediatric asthma

       b. Wheeze in the less than 5 age group

       c. Management of acute asthma in children

       d. Long term management of asthma in older children

11) Occupational Asthma

12) Anaphylaxis

       Anaphylaxis: diagnosis and management

       Peri operative Anaphylaxis

13) Food Allergy

       ntroduction to food allergies

       Food allergy (part I, II, III)

14) Drug Allergy

15) Dermatology

       a. Contact dermatitis

       b. Urticaria and angioedema

       c. Atopic dermatitis

16) Ophthalmology

       Allergic disorders of the eye

17) Hymenoptera Venom allergy

18) Aerobiology

       a. Introduction to aerobiology

       b. Pollen walks

       c. Slide set up & pollen identification

19) Environment and Pollution

       a. Environmental control measures

       b. Pollution and allergies

20) COPD

       a. Non Smoking COPD

       b. Nicotine Dependence & Tobacco Smoke

       c. 2023 GOLD guidelines for COPD

       d. New frontiers in the treatment of COPD

21) Miscellaneous Topics

       a. COVID-19 management for the allergist

       b. Setting up Allergy Asthma Practice : INDIA

       c. Eosinophilic lung diseases

       d. Eosinophilic esophagitis

        e. Latex allergy